FNQ should have dominated mushroom production, free consultation |
Date Added: April 25, 2024 12:25:28 AM | |
Author: | |
Category: Cairns | |
Mushroom is a savory food source that is also healthy https://www.eatforhealth.gov.au/guidelines/australian-guide-healthy-eating Biologically it is in between plant and animal, so the nutritions and tastes are in the middle too It can use many grasses related to wheat as "soil" (straw of poaceae) Many of the grasses are mistakens as weeds in the mainstream. There is abundant supply https://urbanspore.com.au/how-to-grow-mushrooms/how-to-grow-mushrooms-on-straw/ It is a sustainable industry Cruel animal algriculture should be replaced by mushroom prduction Grow mushrooms in the tropics, as nature intends
- If you need advice in your mushroom production, you can get free consultation from Dr Jenia Meng in Cairns Her pages https://fb.com/spiritual.home.au https://sh.goodeasy.info She has been discussing this issue with staff of supermarket and garden centre in Cairns |
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